
Showing posts from March, 2021

University Event management Using React - Node JS - Mongo DB

 University Event Management Using React, Nodejs & MongoDB The project is made using React as the Frontend library, Nodejs as a server-side language, and MongoDB as the database. The react application is Divided into components In the Hierarchy where the root or the main component is the App.js and the branches start under it. The Hierarchy of the React application is given in the Bellow Figure. In react, the Web Page or the Application is divided into components and these components are nested inside one another to form a single page. In react we write the code in the .js file but it renders HTML content onto the Browser, this is done with the JSX also known as "JavaScript XML", the JSX is similar to HTML with a slight difference in the syntax such as the class in HTML is className in JSX as the class is a reserved word in the JS. unlike HTML where we use the anchor tag to jump on the other page, we still can use the anchor tag to jump on other pages but there is anothe